Tips to pass the DELE exam in Spanish
There is no doubt that Spanish is the fashion language. And that, in addition to being spoken by more than 500 million people around the world, it is today the second language in the world by number of speakers and the second in international communication, only after English.
That’s why, more and more people decide to learn this beautiful language.
In fact, currently almost 20 million students study Spanish as a foreign language and enrollments increase by 7% every year, according to data from the Cervantes Institute.
Obviously, this interest in Spanish has led to a great demand for Spanish teachers throughout the world.
Sometimes it’s not easy to find enough teachers and that causes schools to leave students out due to the lack of qualified professionals to teach the course. However, in order to be a Spanish teacher, it is not only necessary to master the language, but also many schools and institutions around the world require as a requisite to have passed the DELE exam in Spanish that certifies that the person is fully qualified for it. If possible, level C1.
A test that makes many students tremble just thinking about it.
This has a lot to do with the fact that many try to present themselves at a level for which they are not prepared.
So the insecurity increases. As they say “a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” It is always preferable to certify a level for which we are sure to pass that to take an exam that will probably be very difficult to pass and to make sure that our effort will be worthwhile. For this reason, the ideal thing to do is to enroll in a Spanish academy where, in addition to being placed in a class appropriate to your level, you will be advised by the professors about the DELE exams in Spanish. And to make it easier for you, today we explain some doubts you may have about it.
The DELE Spanish diplomas are official qualifications accrediting the degree of competence and mastery of the Spanish language, awarded by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain.
The Cervantes Institute is entrusted with the academic, administrative and economic direction of the DELE diplomas, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decrees 1137/2002 of October 31, RD 264/2008 of February 22 and RD 1004/2015 of 6 November.
The DELE exams are designed following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the Manual to relate exams to the CEFR, both works of the Council of Europe.
The repertoire of linguistic contents that can be included in the DELE exams is included in the curriculum plan of the Cervantes Institute.
Reference Levels for Spanish (NRE), developed by the Cervantes Institute based on the descriptors of the CEFR.
The DELE Diplomas cover all levels of the CEFR:
• Diploma of Spanish level A1.
• Diploma of Spanish level A2.
• Diploma of Spanish level B1.
• Diploma of Spanish level B2.
• Diploma of Spanish level C1.
• Diploma of Spanish level C2.
The Instituto Cervantes offers eight DELE exams:
CEFR levels DELE exams for schoolchildren (aimed at students from 11 to 17 years old)
General DELE examinations (aimed at candidates from 16 years of age)
A1 DELE A1 for schoolchildren
A2 DELE A2 / B1 for schoolchildren
Instituto Cervantes is a member of the following international associations:
• European Association of Certifying Entities of Linguistic Competence (ALTE);
• International Certification System of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SICELE);
• European Association for the Quality of Language Services (EAQUALS).
Candidates can register for any of the DELE exams without having to take any previous specific course, or have previously taken a DELE exam or other lower level Spanish exam.
Both in the case of the general DELE exams and the school exams, the DELE Spanish Diplomas have official validity, indefinite validity and international recognition.
Recognition of DELE diplomas
The DELE diplomas are internationally recognized, and enjoy great prestige, not only among institutions and public and private educational authorities but also in the business world and among chambers of commerce.
They are an official guarantee in the evaluation and certification of linguistic competence in Spanish.
In many countries, the DELE has been adopted by education authorities and regulated schools as a complement to their own evaluation programs.
They are ideal to facilitate job promotion and access to education both in Spain and in the other countries where the tests are carried out.
In Spain, the DELE diplomas are recognized by national, regional and local institutions and bodies, such as:
• Ministry of Justice of Spain: DELE A2 or higher for the requirement of knowledge of Spanish in Spanish citizenship application processes for persons from non-Spanish-speaking countries or territories.
• Ministry of Health: DELE C1 or C2 for access to MIR places, FIR
• Homologation of studies carried out in another country: people who have a DELE C2 and are incorporated into the Spanish educational system by validation of studies carried out in another country will be exempt from performing other Spanish proficiency tests.
• General State Administration and public bodies: The Spanish diplomas (DELE) are considered sufficient accreditation of competence in Spanish for any professional or academic activity in Spain for which the corresponding level of competence is required.
• In France, the DELE diplomas are recognized by the French Ministry of Education. If you wish to obtain information on the recognition of Spanish diplomas in another country, you can contact the nearest Instituto Cervantes center.
Can I register for a DELE exam if I am a national of a Spanish-speaking country?
Yes, since November 2015, anyone can register for a DELE exam, regardless of their nationality or origin.
What is the difference between a certificate of a Spanish course and the DELE?
• As in the rest of the general exams for obtaining the Diplomas of Spanish, a candidate who has obtained a DELE diploma after having done a DELE exam for schoolchildren:
Obtains a title of official validity and indefinite validity, granted by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain;
Certifies your proficiency in Spanish A1, A2 or B1, as appropriate, with reference to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the Curriculum Plan of the Cervantes Institute. Reference’s levels for Spanish; get a title of great international recognition.
• In the DELE exams for school children, the tasks of the tests are adapted to an audience of school age (they are oriented to candidates between 11 and 17 years old).
• Regarding the DELE A2 / B1 exam for schoolchildren, it offers the possibility for the candidate to obtain a DELE diploma of level B1 or A2 level, depending on their results in the examination tests. That is, with a single exam you can choose one of the two reference levels.
What is the equivalence with the current DELE levels?
The validity of the Spanish Diplomas is indefinite and if you have a DELE diploma issued before 2008 it is not necessary to re-examine yourself to prove your knowledge of Spanish for the nationality assumptions.
The applicant has two options to prove that they have a DELE diploma:
• authorizes the Ministry of Justice to consult the DELE results at the Cervantes Institute;
• Provides a copy of your Spanish diploma, along with a copy of the legislative texts that articulate the Diplomas of Spanish (Royal Decree 1137/2002 and Royal Decree 264/2008), which reflect the equivalences of the DELE diplomas in all its denominations and that are summarized below.
What are the tests of the Cervantes Institute that are requirements for the granting or acquisition of Spanish nationality?
Law 12/2015, of June 24, for the granting of Spanish nationality to Sephardic citizens from Spain, and Law 19/2015, of July 13, on administrative reform measures in the area of the Administration of Justice and the Civil Registry, which in its seventh final provision regulates the procedure for obtaining Spanish nationality by residence, establish that, among other requirements, that the applicant must pass two tests designed and administered by the Cervantes Institute:
• The test that certifies a basic knowledge of the Spanish language:
Diploma of Spanish DELE level A2 or higher;
• Evidence that proves the knowledge of the Spanish Constitution and the Spanish social and cultural reality: CCSE (constitutional and sociocultural knowledge of Spain).
Is it possible to change exam center or call date in the DELE test?
Yes, the candidate may request changes to the call date and / or examination center, provided that the registration period remains open for the call in which he was registered and that the call in which he wishes to register has his own registration period open at the time of requesting such modification and have free vacancies.
Can you ask for the results before?
• Candidates will have the results of the DELE examination tests within approximately three months.
However, the Cervantes Institute strives to ensure that the grades are ready in a shorter period of time, so that as soon as the grades are published, it informs the candidates through the candidate’s email and the exam portal.
• The Cervantes Institute informs that it is not possible to provide qualifications to candidates before the date of publication.
• Once the qualifications have been published, all candidates will be able to access their certification of qualifications, which is valid for certification, in their private space on the Instituto Cervantes portal.
Candidates who have obtained the global qualification of APTO (PASS) will receive the corresponding accrediting diploma, which will be sent to them through the corresponding exam center.